(등록) 몰약 추출물을 포함하는 바이오차 조성물 및 항균 및 항바이러스 바이오차 제조 방법
(등록) 상표 등록증 - 튼쑥이 (제품명)
(등록) 상표 등록증 - 알쑥이 (제품명)
(등록) 상표 등록증 - 주식회사 초이랩 (회사명)
(등록) 상표 등록증 - 주식회사 초이랩 (로고)
(출원) 농약 분해 활성, 식물 생육 촉진 및 생분해성 계면활성제 생성능을 갖는 바실러스 서브틸리스 CPK-7 (Bacillus subtilis CPK-7) 균주(KACC 81303BP) 및 이의 용도
(출원) 전자기장을 이용한 미생물의 농약 분해 효율 증대 장치
* Effect of a Directional Electromagnetic Field on the Early Stages of Plant (Raphanus sativus and Saccharum officinarum) Growth. Horticulturae.
* Biodegradation of azo dye reactive black 5 by strict anaerobe Clostridium acetobutylicum and evaluation of its effects for hydrogen production. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering.
* Evaluation of Benzene Adsorption onto Grass-Derived Biochar and Comparison of Adsorption Capacity via RSM (Response Surface Methodology). Journal of Composites Science.
* Genome-based taxonomic identification and safety assessment of an Enterococcus strain isolated from a homemade dairy product. International Microbiology.
* Key factors for the survival of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum IDCC3501 in manufacturing and storage. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
* 주식회사 초이랩 통신판매업 등록
* 주식회사 초이랩 비료생산업(제3종복합, 미생물) 등록
* 주식회사 초이랩 공장 등록
* 주식회사 초이랩 벤처기업 인증 (혁신성장)
* MOU (다자간 연구협력 협약) 체결
- 철원플라즈마 산업기술연구원 & 강원대학교 전극계면공학연구실 & 서울과학기술대학교 에너지기술인력양성센터
(등록) 바이오매스를 이용한 식물성 실리카 및 다공성 바이오차 제조 방법
(등록) 생분해폴리머 및 바이오차를 포함하는 영양성분 방출 조절형 복합비료 조성물 및 그 제조 방법
(출원) 바이오차-생분해 폴리머 기반 필름형 비료 제조 방법
(출원) 바이오차 포함하는 생분해 비닐 조성물 및 그 제조 방법
(출원) 공융용매를 이용한 종균 안정성 유지 방법
(출원) 몰약 추출물을 포함하는 바이오차 조성물 및 항균 및 항바이러스 바이오차 제조 방법
(출원) 상표 (튼쑥이)
* Evaluation of antibacterial an antiviral compounds from Commiphora myrrha (T.Nees) Engl. resin and their promising application with biochar. Applied Sciences.
* Development of blended biopolymer-based photocatalytic hydrogel beads for adsorption and photodegradation of dyes. Gels.
* Reswellable alginate/carboxymethyl cellulose/activated carbon hydrogel beads for ibuprofen adsorption from aqueous solutions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
* Submerged leaves of live indoor foliage plants adsorb H1N1 influenza virus from suspension. Plant Signaling & Behavior.
* 중소벤처기업부 창업성장기술개발 디딤돌 R&D 사업 선정
(수행기간 2023.09~2024.07)
* 한국환경공단 국가물산업클러스터 사업 선정 (에이티이(주) 공동협업)
(수행기간 2023.06~2025.12)
* 근로자 휴가 지원사업 참여기업
* 주식회사 초이랩 기업부설연구소 인증
(출원) 바이오매스를 이용한 식물성 실리카 및 다공성 바이오차 제조 방법
(출원) 생분해폴리머 및 바이오차를 포함하는 영양성분 방출 조절형 복합비료 조성물 및 그 제조 방법
(출원) 상표3건 (초이랩 회사명, 초이랩 로고, 알쑥이)
* Adsorption behavior of Cu²+ and benzene in single and binary solutions onto alginate composite hydrogel beads containgin pitch pine-based biochar.
* Adsorptive removal of synthetic plastic components bisphenol a and solvent black 3 dye from single and binary solutions using pristine pinecone biochar.
* Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) production in Escherichia coli with pyridoxal kinase (pdxY) based regeneration system.
* 중소벤처기업부 창업진흥원 예비창업패키지 사업 선정
(수행기간 2022.06~2023.01)
* (미래)성과 공유기업 인증
* MOU(업무협약) 체결
- (주)미르존몰약연구소 / 에이티이(주) / 서울과학기술대학교 에너지기술인력양성센터
* 주식회사 초이랩 중소기업 확인서
* 주식회사 초이랩 창업기업 확인서
* 주식회사 초이랩 사업자등록
* Morphological and chemical evaluations of leaf surface on particulate matter2.5 (PM2.5) removal in a botanical plant-based biofilter system.
* Pyrophosphate enhanced oxidase activity of cerium oxide nanoparticles for colorimetric detection of nucleic acids.
* Dairy effluent-saturated biochar alters microbial communities and enhances bermudagrass growth and soil fertility.
* Methodology- non-invasive monitoring system based on standing wave ratio for detecting water content variations in plants.
* Rhodococcus sp. YHY01 a microbial cell factory for the valorization of waste cooking oil into lipids a feedstock for biodiesel production.
* Chapter 9 Utilization of invasive weed biomass for biochar production and its application in agriculture and environmental clean-up.
* Treatment of microcystin-LR cyanotoxin contaminated water using Kentucky bluegrass-derived biochar.
* Biowaste-to-bioplastic (polyhydroxyalkanoates) Conversion technologies, strategies, challenges, and perspective.
* Bioprospecting of exopolysaccharide from marine Sphingobium yanoikuyae BBL01 Production, characterization, and metal chelation activity.
* Adsorptive removal of crude petroleum oil from water using floatingpinewood biochar decorated with coconut oil-derived fatty acids.
* Assessment of adsorptive behaviors and properties of grape-derived biochar as adsorbent for removal of cymoxanil pesticide.
* Application of macroalgal biomass derived biochar and bioelectrochemical system with Shewanellafor the adsorptive removaland biodegradation of toxic azo dye.
* Removal of Fluoride from Water Using a Calcium-Modified dairy manure-derived biochar.
* Iron-activated bermudagrass-derived biochar for adsorption of aqueoussulfamethoxazole- Effects of iron impregnation ratio on biocharproperties, adsorption, and regeneration.
* Facile and economical functionalized hay biochar with dairy effluent for adsorption of tetracycline
* Simultaneous monitoring of the bioconversion from lysine to glutaric acid by ethyl chloroformate derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
* Evaluation for simultaneous removal of anionic and cationic dyes onto maple leaf-derived biochar using response surface methodology.
* Adsorptive removal of tetracycline from aqueous solution by maple leaf-derived biochar.
* Conversion of waste cooking oil into biodiesel using heterogenous catalyst derived from cork biochar.
* Adsorption behavior of tetracycline onto Spirulina sp. (microalgae)-derived biochars produced at different temperatures.
* Treatment of furazolidone contaminated water using banana pseudostem biochar engineered with facile synthesized magnetic nanocomposites.